Citizens' Charter



The Citizen Charter is our continued commitment towards Business growth in development of Precision, Timing, and fashion related products with our prime concern on consumer being treated as most important visitor in our premises. Our intention is to develop need-based establishment of products as a component of many peoples every day lifestyle to the extent of time related horizons. To achieve market leadership utilizing its manufacturing facilities / operations to produce fashionable reliable and durable lifestyle products demanded by society of diversified regions with changing times while continue to grow with community both globally and locally

  • Be a market leader in all our products and services

  • Be a market driven company by technological and process innovations

  • To provide quality products at competitive price for addressing national and International markets

  • To pursue sound and ethical business practices for the benefit of the customers and the stake holders


  • As a good corporate citizen, be a proactive, integral and responsible member of the community and environment in which we operate.

  • Promote the interest of the stake holders through planned business growth

  • To develop and retain human skills necessary for Corporate growth and performance excellence

  • To improve and sustain the quality of work life for employees

  • To provide value for money products to customers in order to achieve customer delight


HMT WATCHES’ evolution driven by
  • Commitment

  • Quality of products / services

  • Harmonious growth

  • Expectations

  • Consumer obligations

  • Grievance redressal

  • Transparency in business


  • Perform, Deliver and get Rewarded

  • Good relationship with customer

  • Total integrity and dedication towards business goals

  • Products with greater value to customer by innovation

  • To envisage continuous business growth taking care of stake holders interest


  • Provide quality products at globally competitive price

  • Aesthetically designed products with reliability and durability

  • To render prompt and time bound service

  • To ensure availability of genuine spares

  • To widen our product & service availability through Dealer network in every Region


  • Strive continuously for harmonious growth with increase in product variety and new product introduction

  • Strive to achieve economy in all our products / services

  • Continuous improvement in all our areas of work


  • Be fair, honest and transparent in all transactions

  • To be cordial in solving problems

  • To transact with company authorised dealers

  • Loyalty in implementation of marketing policy in our business interest

  • Affirm mutual trust in commitments

  • Extended your co-operation in all our endeavours

  • Adhere to time and delivery schedules with quality components


  • Shall keep Our Complaint and Grievance Machinery open and receptive

  • To reach the customers we have 5 Regional Offices apart from Branch offices

  • The Customers can approach any branch/regional office with the complaint /grievances.

  • In case he is not satisfied with the response from branch/regional office he is free to write to:

The Grievance Officer or The General Manager (Mktg),
HMT Watches Ltd,
4th Floor, No.59, Bellary Road,

which shall be redressed within 30 days examining the genuineness of each case. He can also Email to for further action.


  • To be reasonable and fair in all our Business transactions

  • Adhere to transparent business operations

  • Adopt systems and procedures which leave no scope for corrupt practices

  • Maintain absolute confidentiality of information/complaints

  • Shall implement all policies and directives of Central Vigilance Commission

All customers are requested to keep us informed of their experiences about the services rendered by us and feel free to comment on this charter.

Please Note: 

Information given in this charter is subject to change/revision not to be considered as a legal document creating rights and obligations; it is for promoting better understanding between Customer and HMT.